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고양 화정동학원 영어 수학 국어 덕양 단과학습 보습학원

고양 덕양 화정동학원 영어 수학 국어 단과학습 보습학원





Lately, I have been getting lots of questions that sound like this: I have been working as a study coordinator for five years and I am ready to make the next move. I want to work as a CRA and I have been working closely with CRAs during this time. I am confident enough of my skill set. I got some interviews from CRO companies but it seems like many people have previous site monitoring experience. 고양 덕양 화정동영어학원 수학 초등학생 국어 중학생 단과 보습 고등학생 though I did not personally monitor a site, I know exactly how to do it at an experienced CRA level. My question is, what should I do in the meantime for success in interviews and how to prepare for it? You need to have an adaptive CV, a term that I coined but not a concept that I came up with. Sponsors have adaptive trials all the time and a protocol they can be flexible with. As the study progresses they know where they can change the protocol to maybe make a study run more smoothly.고양 덕양 화정동 단과학원 영어 수학 국어 초등 중등 고등 They can change their inclusion/exclusion criteria so long as the FDA is okay with them doing that. These are called adaptive trials. Well, to get the job that you want, you need an adaptive CV. If you are a study coordinator applying at another research clinic you won't change it.고양 덕양 화정동수학학원 수학 국어 보습 단과 내신공부 입시컨설팅 중간고사 기말고사 Your CV is still going to say that you are a study coordinator and you need to emphasize the fact that you are a great study coordinator. If you are applying to a CRO to be a CRA you need to adapt your CV so it still says you are a coordinator but under your job responsibilities you would want to include things that CRAs would do. Put down quality assurance; you want to use their jargon when you talk to somebody to resonate with them that you speak the language that they are used to hearing. They do not want to have to do that interpretation on your behalf nor do they want to look at your CV and think, well I think he/she can do this but I am not sure. 고양 덕양 화정동학원 영어 수학 국어 단과학습 보습학원 아파트 고등학교 중학교 You want to make that clear for them speak their language. If you say, I have done internal monitoring at my site. I am the most experienced coordinator there and I basically serve as the in-house monitor for my clinic, they do not have to do any guessing or assumption whether or not you have been conducting CRA activities.Believe it or not before, before I became the business owner of all these research sites and other side companies/projects, I was applying at different places as a CRA. 고양 덕양 화정동국어학원 국어 단과 보습 국영수학원 Thankfully I did not get hired because I would have gotten too comfortable at that job and probably would not have been this ambitious. Undoubtedly I would not have my blog, The Clinical Trials Guru, or any of my social networks. I would have just been like happy collecting a paycheck. You may never known about me unless I came out to one of your sites. 고양 덕양 화정동학원 영어 수학 국어 단과학습 보습학원 When I was applying to jobs I was applying as a CRA and also as a marketing director at several companies and did not get hired at any of them. My CV was adaptive so when I applied as a CRA I put things in there that made sense for what a CRA should have. I spoke their language. I mentioned internal monitoring, I was the onsite monitor at my site. 고양 덕양 화정동 영어 수학 국어 단과학원 초등 중등 고등 보습학원 I did QA and things like that. When I applied as a marketer, I focused on the patient recruitment activities I was doing and marketing the business development I was doing from my site. If I would have been applying as a a driver for a company I would focus on the fact that I drove patients to and from the clinics. Do not lie and put things on there that you did not actually do because they can call you out on these during an interview. Speak the language of your audience. Reverse engineer your CV. Tweak your resume based on who is going to be looking at it. You have to be adaptive and flexible. Most of all, use common sense.